Order Links below:
Update: I apologize for the fact that the links keep going down. This is due to the publishers.
My book was written to help people, so now, - over 6 years down the line, I am really pleased that it appears to be doing so & I appreciate all the kind comments I have received.
Update: I apologize for the fact that the links keep going down. This is due to the publishers.
My book was written to help people, so now, - over 6 years down the line, I am really pleased that it appears to be doing so & I appreciate all the kind comments I have received.
It was an exciting day when I received the first copy of my long awaited book, launched 15 April '09. You can order it in UK sterling, US dollars and e-book version, (at a ridiculously low price, so affordable to all).
Read below to see what you can expect from my true emotional journey depression book, and you may also be interested in my update (10 July '09) at the end!
If you can't wait to order, and have no time to read all about my book first, here are the quick links to the order pages!

If you can't wait to order, and have no time to read all about my book first, here are the quick links to the order pages!
Here is the link to order in UK pounds sterling:
http://www.authorhouse.co.uk/ and put the title of my book in the search box - The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It
and here is the link to order the softback/e-book in US dollars (I apologize if the e-book link is down, this is also due to the publishers).
http://bookstore.authorhouse. com/Products/SKU-000262687/ The-Truth-About-Depression- and-How-You-Can-Beat-It.aspx
Click on the title in the link below to Amazon, where you can also 'look inside the book'
Click on the title in the link below to Amazon, where you can also 'look inside the book'
It is also available through hundred of on-line book stores, including 'Tesco's'.
Very controversial in places, my book tells of the serious flaws in the UK National Health Service, and even of the shortcomings in my own GP's 'surgery practices'. You ask if there are any alternatives to anti-depressants and will learn that there are. I also tell you of the interaction and side effects of certain prescription drugs and how you will want to think twice about taking them - enabling you to make an informed decision. You will also read how I was glad that I did not fill both of the prescriptions - at the same time, that I was given. You certainly will not want to miss these two chapters.
Very controversial in places, my book tells of the serious flaws in the UK National Health Service, and even of the shortcomings in my own GP's 'surgery practices'. You ask if there are any alternatives to anti-depressants and will learn that there are. I also tell you of the interaction and side effects of certain prescription drugs and how you will want to think twice about taking them - enabling you to make an informed decision. You will also read how I was glad that I did not fill both of the prescriptions - at the same time, that I was given. You certainly will not want to miss these two chapters.
You are on your own, your nerves are screaming, you probably end up in tears begging for someone, somewhere to help you, you feel absolutely desperate, hopeless and totally bereft, nobody to turn to with your head thumping. You just cannot put across how you are feeling and just want somebody to listen to you and if there is nobody - you just want the feelings to end. Hang in there…..your survival instincts will kick in - eventually, it can’t go on infinitely. I have been there - every day, day in - day out and every single waking moment.
By bed-time your mind is working overtime and you are so hyped up your head feels fit to burst with the blood pressure pounding through your brain. I hate this feeling because it sounds like your heart is beating inside your head. You have felt like this and I know exactly how you feel. Help is at hand and I show you exactly what I did to get through this.
You will read of the only one person who was the most help of all and how I had almost totally rely on them and how my dignity and self respect just 'flew out of the window' in my quest just to be able to get through one day at a time. Every chapter is interspersed with what is going on in my life and you will be truly following my journey as it was happening. You will wonder how I managed to keep going, but my book will show you how and you will be truly inspired. I have completely bared my soul and I even quote from my very personal diary where I logged my deepest thoughts.
Here is what you will be learning as you travel with me on my very emotional journey:
Introduction: How I came to write this book
1. 'The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It' - one of the most common questions asked is 'have I got depression'? In this chapter you get to know all the signs, how you can help yourself and what I actually did to help myself.
2. 'Discover The Signs Of An Anxiety/Panic Attack' - You will get to know what to look for and will learn that what you are having is a panic attack. Nobody told me that the symptoms I was getting were related to this. You will learn that it is impossible to actually have a heart attack or stroke when you are having an anxiety/panic attack and will not be 'scared out of your wits' as I was. I tell you ways in which to help yourself and also how I got through it.
3. 'Have You Got Stress and How To Deal With It' - You will learn that these three conditions all have similar symptoms and you will better know in which category you belong and the best course of treatment. I log all the signs to look out for and, again - how you can help yourself and the steps that I took.
4. 'Exposed, The Serious Flaws In The UK N.H.S. (National Health Service)' - There is just not enough being done in the UK to help these illnesses (and I suspect that the same may be said for other countries also). You will read how practices were not put in place in my own GP's surgery, how I literally had to beg to be able to speak to somebody and how it took 3 attempts and a 16 week wait for a referral.
5. 'Are You Concerned About Anti-depressants - Are There Other Alternatives' - You will find, as I have done, if you go to your doctor's surgery, then the likely outcome is that they will prescribe an anti-depressant. My research has shown that these do little to counteract the symptoms of an anxiety/panic attack. This chapter shows that there are several 'over the counter' health remedies that you can take and one especially has been proven to be of benefit. You do not have to resort to anti-depressants.
6. 'The Secrets of How You Can Stop Those Thoughts Pounding Through Your Brain' - Like me, you have one thought leading to another pounding through your brain and you can do little to stop it. Learn some of my 'tricks' that can help you and also how my desperate feelings almost drove me completely over the edge. I know exactly how you feel and I can help you. I have been there, day in - day out.
7. 'The Key To Feel Good Foods and How They Can Help' - There are foods that can help and I do not need to tell you that if you 'eat rubbish' then you will feel like 'rubbish', so a healthy diet is a must. I list comprehensively foods that can help you keep a healthy mind and body, and even give you examples of my own healthy eating.
8. 'The Simple Truth of How You Should Not Put Up With Stress In The Workplace' - It was because I had put up with two and a half years of stress in the workplace that I nearly ended up with a nervous breakdown. You will read of all I went through and also the signs of stress that you should look out for in your own workplace, the causes, and even the illnesses that could transpire if you do not address the issue. This chapter alone could stop you having to go through all that I did.
9. 'How Stress Can Double The Misery of Hot Flashes and Cold Sweats During The Menopause' - This is a must read for all ladies of a 'certain age', men will want to read it also to better understand what their 'other halves' are going through and also to follow the continued updates on my journey. As you can get hot flashes and cold sweats through stress also, my doctor did not know what medication to prescribe for me. All the symptoms are explained and the many different ways in which you can help yourself with alternative remedies, and also the different foods that can help. You will be amazed at the quick adverse reaction I got when I decided to 'cave in' and try HRT patches, and will be able to make your own informed decision.
10. 'Countdown To The Long Awaited Appointment' - I explained above how I had to wait 16 weeks for a referral for help, and after a third visit to 'triage' in my GP's surgery. I bare my soul as you get an insight into my desperation and how I tried to cope day by day whilst I was waiting, and the fact that I very nearly did not make it, and how it was a complete anti-climax when I got there. I even quote from the report and my very personal diary entries and the effect it had on me, causing me to go quickly downhill. After reading this, you will realize that you will be able to get through it as you have seen my own battle.
'Summary & Conclusion':
This sums up all we have learned on our painful journey together.
'My Little Tips to Keep 'Down At Mouth' Lines At Bay' - My two little exercises for you to try and keep all the frown lines away.
This book is packed with useful information, whilst also charting my very emotional journey where I not only learned a great deal about myself, but also ways in which I had to help myself, in turn - enabling me to get you through your own problems also. I have done a lot of research to further assist us both on our painful journey.
Written as I was going through my illness, it only took me three and a half months to complete, starting on 20 August 2008, and finishing it on 27 November 2008. I am sure that you will enjoy reading it and most of all - that it helps you so you do not have to go to the great lengths that I had to. I have come out of this feeling stronger and much better for having written down my true inspiring story. .
Benefits for you:
100% Unique content
For you to share my journey from the start
To share information with you
Answer commonly asked questions
Show many alternative ways for you to beat these all too common illnesses
This book was written with you in mind, it was always my intention to be able to share it with you
As you can imagine, there has been tremendous interest in my long awaited book!
Here is the link to order in UK pounds sterling:
and here is the link to order the softback in US dollars (click on the http)
Click the title below, linked to Amazon, where you can also 'look inside the book'
and here is the link to order the softback in US dollars (click on the http)
Click the title below, linked to Amazon, where you can also 'look inside the book'
The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It
It is also available as an e-book in UK sterling and US dollars, for the price of a McDonalds meal, and through hundreds
of retail bookstores including 'Tesco's'.
It is also available as an e-book in UK sterling and US dollars, for the price of a McDonalds meal, and through hundreds
of retail bookstores including 'Tesco's'.
Depression is a condition and a mental illness
Anxiety/panic attacks are through your own feelings, behaviour and thinking
Stress is the way that you react to a situation
Depression and Stress can be self destructive and my book will show you that you do not have to live with it or let it ruin your life.
I really hope that you find my book of help to you and look forward to your comments or hearing your own painful journey.
Update: 10 July '09
My book was finished in week 17 of my illness, and you may be suprised to learn that it is still actually ongoing and coming up into week 51! With the lack of any proper help, to date, I am still having regular visits to my GP's surgery. Through something that happened in my practice, I had no choice but to change to another doctor within the surgery - but this is another story, and one that will 'come out in the end'. This literally caused me a 23 week setback - so prolonging my illness greatly.
I now realize that I easily have 'another book in me' and it will end up far more controversial than the last one! but for now, I do not have the strength as it has almost ebbed away. This does go to show that my book will indeed help you as I am still managing to get through each day with my own management techniques as shown in my book. I have learned even more along the way and done even more to help myself so I will bring these to you attention in future blog posts.
The Truth About Depression and How You Can Beat It